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Freedom from Emotional Handcuffs

Writer's picture: Tatyana BillsTatyana Bills

The hidden danger of suppressed emotions.

Do you tend to hide how you feel from people when you are going through something difficult in your life?

Do you know that when you hide, you put up an energetic wall between you and other people?

  • It feels lonely.

  • It feels boring.

  • It feels disconnected.

  • It feels like self-judgment.

  • It feels like your mood depends on other people or circumstances.

People hide their feelings to avoid getting hurt, showing weakness, burdening others, or simply due to lack of confidence.

There are inherent dangers in hiding your feelings: It can hinder clear communication and build barriers between you and the people in your life. It can lead to strained and disconnected relationships. It can cause you to lose touch with your own feelings.

Emotions are physical sensations we experience in our bodies when faced with certain situations. They are our subconscious response to outside stimuli” (1, Litner, 2020)

Suppressed emotions over a period of time can also lead to exhaustion, poor memory, lack of concentration, weight gain, body tension, muscle pain, headaches, trouble sleeping, digestive issues, low motivation, and difficulty conceptualizing a positive future. A prolonged emotional buildup may even lead to an explosion of anger or depression.

A 12-year study published in 2013 shows that suppressed and unprocessed emotions, trapped in the body, can manifest in feelings of ‘dis-ease,’ including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems and early death. (2, Chapman, 2013)

How to step into your power:

There is tremendous power in vulnerability. When you accept and surrender to your emotions, without judgment, you allow yourself to own, understand, and process your feelings. This frees you to release their hold on you, step out of a victim mentality, and become a conscious creator of your life.

When “feeling good” is no longer dependent on external circumstances or other people’s behavior, you empower your internal guidance system to remain confident, present, and calm.

If you can stay out of judgement, remain in the moment, and observe yourself in real time, you can collect all the data you need to recalibrate your new state of being” (3, Dispenza, 2021).

9 Steps to reconnect with yourself and create balance in your life:
  1. Daily Gratitude Meditation to bring peace and harmony into your consciousness.

  2. Practice Emotional Mindfulness: Acknowledge, accept, and sit with your negative emotions as they arise; observe and interview them as dear guests.

  3. Share your feelings and communicate boundaries simply, directly, and respectfully.

  4. Talk to a close friend or trusted family member.

  5. Connect with a life coach, psychologist, or a therapist.

  6. Work with a professional to learn how to manage emotions and develop Emotional Intelligence.

  7. Spend time in nature.

  8. Exercise regularly.

  9. Get enough sleep.

Emotional mastery is the foundation for a good and happy life. Our emotions are our internal GPS–our compass–guiding our personal journey, helping us identify and understand internal boundaries, and showing us the obstacles in our path so we can avoid them going forward.

When you embrace and process your emotions, you become a better, more confident, compassionate, and powerful version of yourself. You take control of our happiness and health.

Reach out to me for a discovery session. Empower yourself now to feel good tomorrow!

Tatyana Bills


  1. Jennifer Litner, LMFT, CST — Written by Crystal Raypole. It’s Tempting to Mask Your Emotions, but It Won’t Do You (or Anyone Else) Any Favors. July 30, 2020.

  2. Chapman BP, et al. (2013). Emotion suppression and mortality risk over a 12-year follow-up. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2013.07.014

  3. Joe Dispenza, Four Steps to Change. 10 September 2021;

Additional References

Lee B. (2016). Relationship Between Hiding Emotions and Health Outcomes Among South Korean Interactive Service Workers. DOI: 10.1177/2165079915611432

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019). Stress symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior.

Patel J, et al. (2019). Consequences of Repression of Emotion: Physical Health, Mental Health, and General Well Being. DOI: 10.14302/issn.2574-612X.ijpr-18-2564

Wu R, et al. (2019). Brief Mindfulness Meditation Improves Emotion Processing. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01074

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